
Our Services / Minimally Invasive Surgery

Minimally Invasive Surgery services offered in North Reading, MA

Minimally invasive surgery greatly reduces the size of surgical incisions, allowing you to bounce back faster and have a more comfortable recovery. At Nova Women’s Health in North Reading, Massachusetts, board-certified OB/GYN Anju Nayar, MD, FACOG, specializes in laparoscopic surgery, with most procedures allowing you to return home that day. Call the office or book your minimally invasive surgery consultation online now. 

Minimally Invasive Surgery Q & A

What is minimally invasive surgery?

Minimally invasive surgery is a surgical technique that involves making one or more ports (incisions) only about half an inch long. Your surgeon inserts a thin tube containing a miniature camera at its tip into one of the ports, and the camera sends live images from inside the surgical area.

As your surgeon views the surgical area on a high-definition screen, they expertly perform your procedure using unique surgical tools that are specially made for smaller incisions. 

Today, advanced minimally invasive surgery techniques allow skilled surgeons to perform most of the gynecologic procedures that required much longer incisions only a few decades ago.

What conditions does minimally invasive surgery treat? 

Minimally invasive laparoscopic surgery is often both a diagnostic and treatment approach. You may need a minimally invasive procedure if you’re having pelvic pain, abnormal bleeding, or other unexplained symptoms, or if you’re struggling with infertility. 

Laparoscopic surgery can treat:

  • Endometriosis
  • Fibroids 
  • Ovarian cysts
  • Ectopic pregnancy
  • Pelvic organ prolapse
  • Reproductive system cancer

Each problem requires a different laparoscopic approach. The amount of tissue removed during the procedure and other specific factors make some laparoscopic surgeries more complex than others. Hysterectomy (uterus removal) and myomectomy (fibroid removal) are two of the more complex laparoscopic procedures. 

What are the advantages of a minimally invasive surgery approach?

Minimally invasive surgery greatly reduces the size of the necessary incision. For example, in an “open” hysterectomy, the incision typically spans the pubic area and is generally 6-8 inches long. 

With laparoscopic procedures, most women only have a few half-inch ports situated around the navel area. Smaller incisions provide many benefits, including: 

  • Lower risk of infection
  • Less scarring
  • Less pain and a reduced need for post-op pain medicine
  • Faster healing 

Another advantage of laparoscopic surgery is the overall recovery time. With open surgery, most patients have to spend at least a night in the hospital, but laparoscopic surgery is usually outpatient. 

You can recover in your own home, where you’re most comfortable, and recovery is faster than with open surgery. For minor laparoscopic procedures, you might need just a day or two of downtime, but with more complex laparoscopic procedures like hysterectomy it can take longer.

Minimally invasive surgeries have made great strides in recent years, and Nova Women’s Health is at the forefront of those innovations in their state-of-the-art practice. Call the office or click the online booking feature to make your appointment today.